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輕盈、價親民 戴珠寶輕旅行

Jun 02, 4:00PM



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香奈兒領風騷/女星細節比美 珠寶搶鏡

May 31, 4:00PM



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梅雨來襲 防水鞋不NG!

May 30, 4:00PM



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浪琴表加持 林志玲優雅十年如一日

May 29, 4:00PM



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莎朗史東 獲贈李奧納多限量鋼筆

May 28, 4:00PM



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瑞莎笑戴Tiffany美鑽 彷彿「愛情來了」

May 27, 4:00PM



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積家表辦趴 「孫芸芸妹」趁機練社交

May 25, 4:00PM



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營收「逆勢漲」 珠寶、鐘表撐場

May 23, 4:00PM



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名媛女星最愛 墨鏡戴出優雅風範

May 22, 4:00PM



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坎城紅毯爭豔 珠寶耳環襯丰采

May 20, 4:00PM



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